Something unique to this plant, in comparison to many other medicinal plants, is the distinct differences of vein color; which has corresponding effects and growth conditions. While each vein color tends to have a unique set of effects that can provide clues to the effects that the strain has. However, there are some minor exceptions, especially when dealing with strains with a less balanced alkaloid profile such as Thai, or Borneo strains which on the whole provide a kratom experience that is stimulating or sedating, respectively.



Red vein kratom is one of the most popular due to its natural tendency toward higher levels of 7-hydroxymitragynine, which leads to impressive pain-killing effects, sedation, as well as anxiety and stress relief. Red veins also tends to be less at the mercy of individual brain chemistry; whereas white and green vein strains often effect people variably. This is one of the reasons red vein thai (RVT) is so popular among kratom users –it combines both heavy levels of energy from it’s Thai influences, with the red vein painkilling effects — leaving the strain stimulating but very well-rounded.

Despite the lower amount of 7-hydroxymitragynine found in white vein strains, this vein type should not be treated lightly. White vein kratom has a very strong following, and can be highly effective for conditions such as depression and lack of focus/energy. Of all the vein types, white vein shows the most potential as a nootropic (cognition enhancing) substance. Many have found that using this vein type first thing in the morning to be a great substitute for coffee due to it’s “clean” effects on alertness and focus.Pain Relief: 1/3 Energy: 3/3

Pain Relief: 3/3 Energy: 1/3


For those who prefer neither the sedation of red veins, or the stimulation of white veins, green vein kratom may be the best solution. Green vein strains are much more moderate in their effects than other the other vein varieties and can provide the best of both worlds, making them commonly used as a daily kratom. Green vein strains can also provide nootropic effects, and are generally less at the whim of personal brain chemistry than white vein strains tend to be.Pain Relief: 3/3 Energy: 1/3